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Learning scenario

Mrs Saunders is in her early 50s. She asks for a private chat and tells you that she has thrush. She has had it before, about two years ago, and used a pessary but she found it a bit uncomfortable to insert. Mrs Saunders finds she also suffers from vaginal dryness and is worried that using a pessary will make it worse. She is taking other medications including atorvastatin and warfarin. Which of the options below would you recommend?

  • Canesten Thrush Duo Oral Capsule & External Cream

    INCORRECT Due to potential medication interactions between fluconazole and her prescription medication
  • Canesten Thrush Combi Pessary & External cream

    INCORRECT as she has vaginal dryness, so an alternative may be more suitable
  • Canesten Thrush Combi Internal & External Cream

    CORRECT as this may be more suitable for women affected by vaginal dryness and both clears the infection and relieves the itching
  • Refer her to her GP

    INCORRECT Although if she does keep getting thrush she may need to be referred
CARO, Canesten’s consumer virtual assistant, can be found at to help customers learn more about women’s intimate health conditions.

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For further information on women's intimate health, products for vaginal thrush and the Canesten range, click below: