MHRA reclassifies Nuromol from P to GSL
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has reclassified Nuromol as a general sales list medicine following a public consultation.
The regulator said it decided to make the painkiller a GSL medicine so patients can access it more easily.
“This reclassification to general sales list will help people to manage their pain where paracetamol or ibuprofen alone have not provided adequate pain relief,” said Dr Sarah Branch, director of vigilance and risk management of medicines at the MHRA.
“Wider availability of medicinal products and improved patient access and choice remain high on the health agenda. The MHRA is committed to improving access to medicinal products for self-care where it is safe to do so.”
Nuromol contains 200mg of ibuprofen and 500mg of paracetamol per tablet and is used to relieve pain associated with a number of conditions such as migraine, backache, period pain, dental pain and rheumatic and muscular pain.
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